Young’s Kingdom与GPEX国际教育机构签署了合作备忘录📝

🎈 Congratulations👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻❗❗
🎉Young's Kingdom 与 GPEX 国际教育机构签署了合作备忘录🎊
🎈--Beacon Kindergarten project--🎈
🎉Young's Kingdom 与 GPEX 国际教育机构签署了合作备忘录🎊
- 经过9⃣个月密集式培训和课后考核后,受训的教师们将成为马来西亚首批获得全球认可的 CELT-P剑桥英语教学证书的老师
- 这培训以提高使用《CEFR欧洲语言共同参考框架》教学技能为目标,学习和研究如何评估语言学习、
- 剑桥英语教学证书是由剑桥大学英语考评部开发,专为教幼儿及小学生的英语老师而设计的全球认证英语教学证书。
CELT-P适用幼儿及小学教育教师 。课程学习时长超过150小时,有任务考核(Portfolio Tasks)及后期持续的课堂实践测评(Teaching Observation)等。
CELT-P适用幼儿及小学教育教师 。课程学习时长超过150小时,有任务考核(Portfolio Tasks)及后期持续的课堂实践测评(Teaching Observation)等。
🎈--Beacon Kindergarten project--🎈
🎉 A formal cooperation memorandum has been signed between Young's Kingdom and GPEX Central Sdn Bhd 🎊
• Teachers are the first batch of participants in Malaysia to undertake this internationally recognized teaching qualification upon completion of 9-month professional training and teaching observation.
• The training will develop teachers’ knowledge and skills in improving their classroom performance and to focus mainly on the application of Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR) in classroom teaching, learning and assessment in language learning.
• CELT-P is for English language teachers working in kindergarten and primary education. More than 150 hours which inclusive of a combination of portfolio tasks and observed teaching practice are required to consolidate the training.
Careline 📞 012-789 0191
Careline 📞 012-789 0191
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Aug 12,2018